A corporation without talented and devoted people is like a person walking in the jungle without a compass or sailing the enormous ocean without any nautical equipment. In today's increasingly competitive environment, Kinh Do regards human resources as a determinant of its success. While continuously expanding and growing, Kinh Do has also been focussing on nurturing its human resources for its sustainable development.
To support its development strategy in the new phase, Kinh Do's recruitment strategy in 2009 continued to undergo changes in quality. Besides continuously retaining and developing staff via an advanced training mechanism, internal transfers and promotions, Kinh Do also paid attention to drawing new labour from outside that possessed the competencies and attributes suiting Kinh Do culture.
To acquire the best people, Kinh Do works with many head hunters and diversifies its recruiting sources. Last year, thanks to the implementation of this new policy, Kinh Do has brought in increasingly high-quality new recruits. The promotion of Kinh Do's image in the labor market has also resulted in an ever-expanding pool of candidates.
Training and Development
To ensure that the internal human resources would keep up with its development pace, Kinh Do formed a training center (KTC) where employees are trained to meet current work requirements and get prepared for the company's future development. In 2009, KTC organized training for 3,685 people, a 17% increase over the previous year. These training programs aimed at raising the employees' awareness of work safety, food hygiene and ISO, etc and therefore improving product quality. In addition, KTC frequently provides staff with current affairs updates via seminars. KTC has also focused on key staff development programs. In 2009, KTC organized 3 management training programs (MTP) for over 100 key staffs.
Career Advancement
Although the first quarter of last year witnessed a wave of enterprises making compulsory redundancies due to the global economic crisis, Kinh Do managed to secure jobs for all of its employees. By the end of last year, Kinh Do moved its head office to a new building at 141 Nguyen Du Street, District 1. This new working environment is expected to promote a more open and dynamic culture for the whole company.
With the desire to make Kinh Do the second home where everyone strives to achieve a common objective, Kinh Do has, for the past several years, put its effort to build an ideal working environment, promote creativity and encourage innovations to improve performance. With the better policies in attracting and retaining talents, Kinh Do is making itself an attractive address in the eyes of labour market.
2010 Direction
The year 2010 plays a critical role in the development of Kinh Do. Developing human resources is therefore very important. On one hand, this provides quality human resources that can keep pace of the company’s new operating model, on the other hand, it lays a solid foundation for the company's development in the future.
- Implementing SAP's human resource software: Kinh Do will be among those first deploying SAP's HR software to computerize human resource management.
- Reengineering the organizational structure into SBU operating model and implementing balance scorecard for organization system management: At this moment, Kinh Do is developing KPIs (performance management system) under foreign partners' consultation. The successful implementation of the balance scorecard system will help provide a fair and transparent performance management system.
- Boosting training and development of the senior and junior management and key staff to meet requirements of the SBU operating model and help increase Kinh Do group's competitiveness.
- Developing new policies to retain employees and attract talent: Besides building and upgrading the current staff’s competencies, the company also plans to attract outside talent to meet the company's rapid growth and expansion in the future.